Jamnagar Design Centre producer company limited, is registered under sub section (2) of section 7 and sub section (1) of section 8 of companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and rule 18 of the companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014} – with the support of office of The Development Commissioner(Handicrafts), Ministry of Textiles, Govt of India, under National Handicraft Development Program. This Non Govt Private company Ltd with the shares of Manufactures Artisans in Handicrafts Sector from Jamnagar.

To preserve and evolve applique, bandhani, embroidery and artisanal skills so they remain an integral part of our cultural fabric and life
To enable crafts and artisans skills as a sustainable form of livelihoods for marginalized communities
Providing structured, long-term development support to enable crafts as a means of income generation and livelihood.
Building capacity and capability of marginalized communities and traditional artisans in craft based skills and enterprises.
Reviving patronage of crafts via large scale, sustained interventions.
Facilitating design development to enhance functionality of handicrafts.
Provide sustainable marketing platforms for artisans and craft groups.
Promote education and awareness of crafts through interactive programs.